On finding the Kőszárhegy quadripus

Vasárnapi újság (Sunday News) No. 21 reported the finding of the quadripus on 19 May 1878:

“The collection of our national museum was augmented by valuable antiquities. One of these is a silver tripus on which Roman oracles sat. It was discovered in János Molnár’s vineyard in the village of Polgárdi in Veszprém County. It weighs twenty pounds and is worth 7-800 forints. Its greatest value is that, while there are merely bronze tripuses in Italian museums, this silver one is in the possession of our museum. Pulszky wants to display it at the Paris universal exposition. The valuable antiquity is from the second century.”

The newspaper Hon (Homeland) published a report in its 170th issue in the morning on 15 July 1879 relating to the fact that Ferenc Pulszky was about to publish a scientific study about the silver stand illustrated by Zsigmond Pollák’s engravings in volume 13 of Archaeológiai Közlemények (Archaeological Bulletin).

Attachment Size
Hon 1879, No. 17046.74 MB 46.74 MB
Archaeológiai Közlemények Vol. 1317.24 MB 17.24 MB
The “silver tripus”
The “silver tripus”