In trace of connections: the Polgárdi silver stand and the Seuso treasure

Parity of the two treasures, identical dating, similarity of style and decorative elements, the location of manufacture and the function, the location of use and the analysis of the way of hiding them take the researcher closer to uncovering the secrets.

“A Pannonian treasure find has outstanding significance among the data connecting the Seuso treasure to Pannonia: it is the Polgárdi folding silver stand held in the Hungarian National Museum for more than 130 years, which is still unique among late Roman silver artworks, yet is less known. A number of Hungarian researchers have already called attention to the possible connection between the Polgárdi find and the Seuso treasure, but the issue has not been discussed in detail so far.”

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Article about the connections between the treasure and the silver stand in the magazine 3. ÉVEZRED (Third Millennium).
Article about the connections between the treasure and the silver stand in the magazine 3. ÉVEZRED (Third Millennium).