The Seuso treasure in an archaeologist’s view

How do historical sources help researchers interpret the scenes or inscriptions in the medallion of the Seuso platter and what is known about Seuso whose name the treasure bears? The overview below may provide an answer to these questions.

“The first question an expert is asked about usually relates to the value of a given find. Yet finding the answer to the question ‘How much is it worth?’ is not an easy task at all. In the case of a late Roman precious metal find, not only its scientific significance and estimated current market value can be considered, but its financial value in its own time can also be defined. The scientific and market value is largely influenced by how unique the given art object or finds are, and how that can be compared with finds of a similar nature.”

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Cover of No. 67 Artmagazin
Cover of No. 67 Artmagazin