Soil analyses in the vicinity of Szár-hegy

In the course of soil analysis, experts identified five types of soil in the vicinity of Polgárdi, Kőszárhegy and Szabadbattyán. This means that the examined area is far more varied with regard to soil than thought earlier. Yet according to mineralogical-geochemical examinations all types of soil can be characterised by containing calcite and dolomite . When the Seuso objects were restored in 1989-1990 there was still a significant amount of soil remains and corrosion products on them, and British experts came to the conclusion that they were concealed in a place where there was some dolomite in addition to quartz and calcite. This statement is true for the recently examined soil samples. Naturally it does not prove that the Seuso treasure was hidden in the vicinity of Szár-hegy, since soils of this nature also occur elsewhere, yet they support it to a certain degree.

By István Fórizs

Taking soil samples in the neighbourhood of Szár Hill
Taking soil samples in the neighbourhood of Szár Hill