Helmet of March 15 Square, Budapest Castellum contra Teutanum
This ornamental helmet was discovered in the area of the Roman counter-fortress of Aquincum in today’s Március 15. Square (formerly Eskü Square) during the construction of Elisabeth Bridge in 1898. The condition of this splendid find had badly deteriorated, due to having been in a damp environment by the Danube for centuries. Therefore it was restored several times. It belongs to the type of the so-called Deurne/Berkasovo helmets developed for the Roman cavalry. This protective equipment could be manufactured more quickly and cheaply than its predecessors, due to the more resistant iron it was made of and a new way of manufacture. The semi-circular helmet bowl consists of two forged iron parts, clasped with an iron ridge in the middle, and then two cheekpieces, a nasal and a neck sheet were attached. The “Eskü Square” helmet is a strikingly ornamental piece: the iron plates were covered with gilded silver plates, which were richly decorated with embossed patterns. The effect was further increased by amber and coloured glass imitating precious stones inlayed in the surface of the helmet.